Grade Level: 9, 10,11,12
Prerequisite: Theatre I/Woodshop
Course may be repeated
Stagecraft is the study of technical theatre. This course will introduce students, both novice and experienced, to a practical approach in both technical and production aspects of theatre. Students will learn the skills needed to constuct scenery, hang and focus lighting instruments, and a variety of other techniques. In this course students will also learn and explore areas of scenic, lighting and sound design. This class is production oriented. Students create the world of each Oak Park Theatre play.
Grade Level: 9, 10,11,12
Prerequisite: Theatre I/Woodshop
Course may be repeated
Stagecraft is the study of technical theatre. This course will introduce students, both novice and experienced, to a practical approach in both technical and production aspects of theatre. Students will learn the skills needed to constuct scenery, hang and focus lighting instruments, and a variety of other techniques. In this course students will also learn and explore areas of scenic, lighting and sound design. This class is production oriented. Students create the world of each Oak Park Theatre play.