Hello and welcome back all fellow thespians! I hope you all had fun over your Thanksgiving break, though given our situation I’m not sure just how much you can actually have, yeesh! In any case we’re right at the end of November and getting for December, which means a lot for us at Oak Park Theatre! I’ll try to keep it short, but we have a few things happening this month, so bear with me.
First off, this Wednesday December 2nd is our first official fundraiser night, which is at Chipotle! Details for that night are posted on our Instagram page, and is being spread around on plenty of Snapchat stories too. However, if you still need the information a flyer will be provided in this post. Our fundraising hours are between 4-8 PM which is perfect if you needed something for dinner! I hope you all can stop by Chipotle to support us in our financial time of need. Next, for all of this week (except Friday) we have auditions for this year’s musical, Into the Woods. Today will be the vocal auditions, tomorrow (Tuesday) will be Choreography auditions, Wednesday will be acting auditions, Thursday will be callbacks, and finally on Friday the cast and crew head list will be posted. If you guys were signed up to audition please don’t forget to show up after school for your auditions, and to follow Covid safety procedures while waiting to audition. |
Then we have an Improv show on December 3rd which will be streamed via Zoom just like the rest of our shows. If you need a pick me up during this uncertain year, especially at a time of mixed emotions like now, then our hilarious Improv team will surely bring a smile to your face!
Lastly, the first of two shows that the Theatre ¾ class will be doing, 10 Ways to Survive the Zombie Apocalypse, will be performed on December 17th,18th, and 19th. This show will be much different from the other shows we’re performing this year, so make sure you watch our performance because as always, we will be streaming it for everybody at home. If you are in this production there’s exciting news for you too, next week will be our tech week for the show! Make sure that you have your lines memorized, or your tech elements done so we can have a successful and relatively stress-free tech week, if possible!
This is certainly looking like an eventful month for our theatre department, but I can say I’m very excited for it. Zombie was by far the show I was looking forward to the most so I’m glad it’s finally getting its time in the spotlight. After we of the Theatre ¾ class are finished with Zombie, we can document our Thespian points via the online Thespian Points System, lovingly crafted by our Points Chair, Hannah Butts! Well, I think you have all had about enough of me at this point, so until next time this has been Nick Begley, and I will see you all again soon, hopefully at Chipotle! |