Hey everyone!
This is our fifth week back at school, and I believe it’s kind of whack. It’s really nice to see everyone’s faces, only partially, because, well, the masks. If you don’t know me, I am Izzy Christus, and I am your Community Service chair. I have been involved with theatre since 7th grade for the High School Musical Junior production. I’ve been involved in the Oak Park Theatre Department since freshman year. With being on board, I am also in Theatre 3.
This is our fifth week back at school, and I believe it’s kind of whack. It’s really nice to see everyone’s faces, only partially, because, well, the masks. If you don’t know me, I am Izzy Christus, and I am your Community Service chair. I have been involved with theatre since 7th grade for the High School Musical Junior production. I’ve been involved in the Oak Park Theatre Department since freshman year. With being on board, I am also in Theatre 3.

We just started rehearsals for Radium Girls this week for cast AND crew! So exciting! I’m really looking forward to working with everyone! If it’s your first production you have been in, don’t be worried! It is nerve racking when it is your first show, but it is such an amazing experience! Being with people who share the same passions, being able to be goofy and have fun, and then getting down to the gritty part of theatre is what makes us a family.
Congrats to our new Improv Team! Cameron Burns, Kaleighan Chastain, Jacob Collier, Reese Hill, Katie Hulme, Colby Johnson, Zen Langley, Olivia Robbins, Zac Scott, and Oliver Vance! This is a great time and we can’t wait to see what humor you have up your sleeves!
Fright Night was a success! Three/Four did a fantastic job of working together to get the show ready even though it was insanely weird this year. Everyone did a great job, whether it was virtual or live! We have Yellow Boat and 10 Ways To Survive A Zombie Apocalypse coming up next with our ¾ class! Auditions are October 5th! We can’t wait to see what everyone brings to the stage! Take it from the Wiz, Iz |
Nick's News!
So glad to see you guys checking up on the blog, and if this is your first time checking up on the website, I hope to see you guys check up every week to read up on the latest Oak Park Theatre news! I’m Nick Begley and I’m your Fundraising Chair for the 2020-2021 school year. Alongside being a board member this year, I was also a board member last year, as well as being a student in our Theatre 3 class. Enough about me though, let’s get to what you guys came here to read!
Now I know it’s only the third week of school, however we already have posted our cast list, and crew head list for our fall play “Radium Girls.” How exciting! Make sure to check those out when you get a chance! However, we’re still not done with “Radium Girls,” as we will post our crew members list later this week, so if you weren’t on the cast list or crew head list, keep an eye out for the crew member list! Rehearsal starts this week, so if you’re involved with the show, make sure to contact Mr. Ashpaugh to know when you’re called for rehearsal.
Alongside posting information about “Radium Girls,” we also have another audition coming up, however it’s not just for a single show. Wednesday, at 3 PM, we will be having auditions for our Improv team, “The Last-Minute Replacements.” The Improv auditions only happen once a year, so if you’re even thinking about maybe auditioning, then come in on Wednesday and show the captains what you’re made of! If you guys have any further questions about Improv auditions, and Improv in general, contact one of our three team captains, Reese Hill, Kaleighan Chastain, and Colby Johnson.
After our Improv auditions, our Theatre 3/4 class will be performing their Fright Night pieces on October 1st-3rd, so if you love Halloween and anything scary like we do, or you just want to get your socks scared off, don’t miss Oak Park’s Fright Night on October 1st- 3rd!
Well that about wraps up what’s going on with Theatre for this, and in the next few weeks coming! I hope you guys seriously consider coming out to support us these upcoming weeks! Happy a good Monday!
Nick Begley
Fundraising Chair
Now I know it’s only the third week of school, however we already have posted our cast list, and crew head list for our fall play “Radium Girls.” How exciting! Make sure to check those out when you get a chance! However, we’re still not done with “Radium Girls,” as we will post our crew members list later this week, so if you weren’t on the cast list or crew head list, keep an eye out for the crew member list! Rehearsal starts this week, so if you’re involved with the show, make sure to contact Mr. Ashpaugh to know when you’re called for rehearsal.
Alongside posting information about “Radium Girls,” we also have another audition coming up, however it’s not just for a single show. Wednesday, at 3 PM, we will be having auditions for our Improv team, “The Last-Minute Replacements.” The Improv auditions only happen once a year, so if you’re even thinking about maybe auditioning, then come in on Wednesday and show the captains what you’re made of! If you guys have any further questions about Improv auditions, and Improv in general, contact one of our three team captains, Reese Hill, Kaleighan Chastain, and Colby Johnson.
After our Improv auditions, our Theatre 3/4 class will be performing their Fright Night pieces on October 1st-3rd, so if you love Halloween and anything scary like we do, or you just want to get your socks scared off, don’t miss Oak Park’s Fright Night on October 1st- 3rd!
Well that about wraps up what’s going on with Theatre for this, and in the next few weeks coming! I hope you guys seriously consider coming out to support us these upcoming weeks! Happy a good Monday!
Nick Begley
Fundraising Chair

Hey Thes-pains!
Welcome back and to our new people, welcome! I am so glad that you’re here. Whether you’ve been here for a while or you just happen to be looking at the website and came across this blog post, I’m beyond ecstatic you made it here. Let me introduce myself. My name is Reese Hill, and I am your Board Chair for this year. I have been involved in theatre since middle and have been involved in every production here at OP since my freshman year. Alongside being on Board, I am an Improv Captain, in Theatre 4, and in Oak Street as well.
I want to start off saying, congratulations on making it through your first week of school!! I am so proud of you, because I know it wasn’t easy. And obviously, going into this further in the school year things are going to be different. With theatre and just with school and life in general. We've all felt it so far, and I'm sure we all will feel it moving on, as well.
The start of school has been very interesting for me, to say the least. I'm not going to lie to you guys and say that I had the best first week ever!! Because frankly, I didn't. My first week back was kinda rough, and all the changes really just threw me for a loop (like lunch, which I'm pretty sure we can all agree is very strange.)
But, regardless of how much things have changed, I am determined to keep a positive outlook on the school year, and I have hope for my senior year. And I know, even though it can be difficult at times, a positive outlook is what’s going to propel you through this year. Everything is so different, and it can be hard to think positively and act like everything is ok.
No matter who you are or if I know you or not, know that you have people in your corner to help you through these challenging times. If you ever need to talk to someone to unload or just want to have a conversation with a person face to face, my door is always open. And, I'm sure any of the other board members or Mr. Ashpaugh, or just anyone in the theatre department would be willing to do that.
Diving headfirst back into the school year, after being gone for six months is insanely difficult. I'll admit that even just yesterday I was feeling overwhelmed that I had already put too many things on plate for the year. But I also know a lot of the stress and anxiety stems from not knowing what's going to happen and change. Because change is scary and hard to deal with, even though it’s a part of life.
But, I want you to know, whoever you may be sitting on the other side of the screen, reading this, you are not alone. The first day and week of school is scary, but you'll adjust. And everything will work out overtime and everything will be fine. You got this, and your theatre family is here for you. We are here, and we love you.
Welcome back and to our new people, welcome! I am so glad that you’re here. Whether you’ve been here for a while or you just happen to be looking at the website and came across this blog post, I’m beyond ecstatic you made it here. Let me introduce myself. My name is Reese Hill, and I am your Board Chair for this year. I have been involved in theatre since middle and have been involved in every production here at OP since my freshman year. Alongside being on Board, I am an Improv Captain, in Theatre 4, and in Oak Street as well.
I want to start off saying, congratulations on making it through your first week of school!! I am so proud of you, because I know it wasn’t easy. And obviously, going into this further in the school year things are going to be different. With theatre and just with school and life in general. We've all felt it so far, and I'm sure we all will feel it moving on, as well.
The start of school has been very interesting for me, to say the least. I'm not going to lie to you guys and say that I had the best first week ever!! Because frankly, I didn't. My first week back was kinda rough, and all the changes really just threw me for a loop (like lunch, which I'm pretty sure we can all agree is very strange.)
But, regardless of how much things have changed, I am determined to keep a positive outlook on the school year, and I have hope for my senior year. And I know, even though it can be difficult at times, a positive outlook is what’s going to propel you through this year. Everything is so different, and it can be hard to think positively and act like everything is ok.
No matter who you are or if I know you or not, know that you have people in your corner to help you through these challenging times. If you ever need to talk to someone to unload or just want to have a conversation with a person face to face, my door is always open. And, I'm sure any of the other board members or Mr. Ashpaugh, or just anyone in the theatre department would be willing to do that.
Diving headfirst back into the school year, after being gone for six months is insanely difficult. I'll admit that even just yesterday I was feeling overwhelmed that I had already put too many things on plate for the year. But I also know a lot of the stress and anxiety stems from not knowing what's going to happen and change. Because change is scary and hard to deal with, even though it’s a part of life.
But, I want you to know, whoever you may be sitting on the other side of the screen, reading this, you are not alone. The first day and week of school is scary, but you'll adjust. And everything will work out overtime and everything will be fine. You got this, and your theatre family is here for you. We are here, and we love you.